Balancing your academics and extra-curricular activities isn’t always that simple. Who says it would be easy? You must attend different trainings and workshops in various subjects and at the same time you must cope up with your missed classes. I’m not Superwoman, I can’t do two things at the same time.
The start of third quarter was smooth but after a week it got worse. Why? I, together with my other comrades practiced for an intermission number for the Opening of Vigan City Meet last December 2. Then, it was followed by our review for the Physics Quiz in the Science and Technology Day held at our school in the same month. Lastly, I attended the Division Workshop for Campus Journalists and also the Regional Schools Press Conference which was held at Pangasinan. Undoubtedly, this grading period is one of the toughest quarters I’ve ever had in the past 3 years.
I was out for the whole quarter and sad to say I didn’t learn much from our lessons because of my absence. Good to know that I was able to finish my activities and our Webpage Design. Fortunately, I still learned some tips in making a Webpage and how to enhance it. Thanks to my classmates!
Moving on, for the last quarter in my high school life I must listen more and lessen my ECA for me to get a higher grade in ICT IV. Moreover, I will do my best to enter my classes to be able to finish my requirements in no time.